Creating Opportunities

Listings lead market share. The harsh, yet true reality is a salesperson without listings, is unemployed!

Your team will learn where to look for new listings, allowing them to focus on outcome, rather than output! A person's comfort zone can be the biggest limiter of their success. The ability to validate a prospecting conversation early helps overcome call reluctance, giving the salesperson more confidence to engage in this essential task.

This session gives salespeople fantastic dialogues allowing them to comfortably deliver important prospecting conversations and increase conversion.

Many salespeople don't actively and continuously prospect, because they don't allocate regular time for this essential task. They will learn a simple approach to time management, giving them the ability to increase the effectiveness of their working day.

Removing simple barriers makes looking for new business much easier and your team will look forward to it!

To book a seminar to increase your listing opportunities, or for more information - click here.